[영어 약자 약어] TY-This year / ly-last year / Eod-End of day / Eom-End of mail / BRB-be right back / BTW-by the way / FYI- for your information / FYR-for your reference / IDK-I don't know / AKA-Also Known as~ / PIC-Person in charge.

일상에서 자주 쓰는 영어 축약 ABB

영어 단축어

📌 일상 단축 표현

TY - This Year (올해)
LY - Last Year (작년)
EOD - End of Day (오늘까지)
AKA - Also Known As (~로도 알려진)
BTW - By The Way (그런데 말이야)

📧 영어 문자

FYI / FYR - For Your Information / For Your Reference (참고로)
IDK - I Don't Know (모르겠어)
PIC - Person in Charge (담당자)
RSVP - Please Reply (회신 부탁합니다)

📩 이메일 생일/파티 초대장 답변 예제

Hi 누구나,
Thank you for inviting Tomas to Joshua's birthday party.
He'd love to attend the party.
Hi 누구나,
Thanks for your invitation. Unfortunately, we will be away on that weekend and won't be able to attend.
Tomas is very disappointed. Hope Joshua has a wonderful birthday party.


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